Monday, August 25, 2008

iGoogle: Part 2 Adding Gadgets

In the previous post, I discussed how to create your own iGoogle page with a theme of your choice. Wasn't that fun? However, now it's time to take it a step further and move into what's really exciting...THE GADGETS. A gadget is a application that is built using HTML, Javascript, and XML. It could be a calendar, a weather globe, or anything else you can dream up. Gadgets can be added to your iGoogle page.

On my iGoogle page, I have my Google Calendar and Gmail gadgets. These basically provide a "sneak peak" at these applications and I can click on them to get the full version of either. However, I also have a To-Do List Gadget, Bookmarks, Weather, and Word of the Day.

How do you add a Gadget? Click on Add Stuff in the upper right hand corner of your iGoogle page. You can type in key words in the Gadget search box or search by topic such as Technology,Finance, Sports, Fun and Games, and more.

When you find a gadget that interests you, click on Add it Now. Then, click on the Back to iGoogle link to see what it does and how it appears. If you don't like it, simply click on the X above the gadget and it will be gone.

Go ahead, give it a try and have fun adding your own gadgets! At some point, you will feel you have "too many" gadgets. No worries, as my next posting to this blog will include how to create tabs within your iGoogle Page (Think of it as "categorizing your gadgets"!

Happy Googling.....
Becky, a.k.a. "The Google Gal"

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